One in Four Bulgarians Reeds Books Almost Daily


One in three adults in Bulgaria (36%) claims they spare not time for reading books, and one in four (24%) reads almost daily. These are the results of a national representative survey conducted by Open Society Institute – Sofia in April 2018, cited by Mediapool.

Younger and more educated people, those with higher income and who surf the Internet more than the average for the country spare more time reading books. This is also valid for those who are more critical of media information and are less likely to agree that the media in the country present accurate and verified information and are not subject to political or economic pressure.

The results of the survey show that there are no considerable differences between the reading habits registered in 2016 and in 2018, the online newspaper writes.

You can find more information in Mediapools’s article One in Four Bulgarians Reads Books Almost Daily. One out of three – never