As of 2020, 52 higher education institutions are accredited in Bulgaria. Over 19 000 current students are enrolled in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and it ranks first on this indicator among all higher education institutions in the country, according to the data from the Bulgarian University Ranking System edition for 2020. Then comes University of National and World Economy and Plovdiv University – both with over 15 000 students. The only private university that is among the top ten universities by number of students is New Bulgarian University. The HEI with the smallest number of current students in Bulgaria is “Lyuben Groys” Theater College – only 39 students. The total number of current students in the country as of April 2020 is 198 428 and 54% of them are enrolled in the top 10 Bulgarian largest universities.
Source: Bulgarian University Ranking System 2020
For more information please visit the website of the Bulgarian University Ranking System –
The Bulgarian University Ranking System edition for 2020 has been updated and maintained by the OSI-S consortium, composed of the Open Society Institute – Sofia and Sirma Solutions, under contract with the Ministry of Education and Science.