Technical Assistance

Since its foundation in 1990 Open Society Institute – Sofia has been supporting the development of democratic society and institutions. The Institute has been actively supporting and contributing to the building and development of the Bulgarian civil sector. In partnership with other organizations and the respective institutions, OSI-S participates in the creation of a contemporary legal framework for the operation of the non-governmental sector – the Non-profit Legal Entities Act (1999 -2000); Central Registry of NGOs (2001); Accounting Standards (1999), etc.

OSI-Sofia is a partner of a number of Bulgarian institutions and provides high-quality services for making and analyzing statutory regulations, developing and conducting research, assessments, analyses, good practices, etc. In coperation with the Ministry of Education it created and published 7 issues of the Bulgarian University Ranking, etc.

  • Review, analysis and assessment of the legislation, structures, systems, good practices for monitoring, assessment, control, network of interested parties providing data and information to Development and implementation of a system for monitoring, evaluation and control of the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration 2012-2020 – under HRD OP 2014-2020 (2016);
  • Effective practices for active integration and inclusion of the Roma in Southeastern Europe (2012-2014);
  • Creating databases for effective management of the social security issues in segregated Roma communities, in cooperation with National Police General Directorate at the Ministry of Interior (2007);
  • Technical assistance in the implementation of component Mothers’ and children’s health promotion and prevention of the project Improvement of the situation of disadvantaged ethnic minorities with a special focus of the Roma in Bulgaria (2007-2008);
  • Technical assistance in the implementation of educational component of the project Improvement of the situation of disadvantaged ethnic minorities with a special focus of the Roma in Bulgaria (2007-2008);
  • Civil monitoring of the Police project, in cooperation with Security Police General Directorate at the Ministry of Interior (2006-2008; 2010-2011);
  • Children in conflict with the Law – pilot probation centers for minor offenders (2002-2004);
  • Mechanist for provision of legal aid by duty counsel to arrested (2008-2009), in partnership with  National Legal Aid Bureau;
  • Provision of legal aid to vulnerable social groups (minorities, refugees, migrants, disabled) (2002-2004);
  • PHARE RAXEN Establishment of the National Focal Point for Bulgaria (2003- 2004);
  • Training the personnel of detention centers in human rights standards (2002).