
Open Society Institute-Sofia has built and is constantly developing an institutional profile of an organization managing donor programmes and carrying out operating and research activities on its own initiative, as well as services and technical assistance for various contracting authorities.

The institute carries out independently or in partnership with other organizations:

Our organization has a considerable portfolio of implemented projects which are highly assessed by the contracting authorities. OSI–Sofia is working in partnership with the respective institutions to develop   clear and effective policies in the fields of education, law, health care and integration of vulnerable groups, as well as to develop good governance, the rule of law and human rights, European integration and civic participation, and the capacity of civil organizations.

The Institute carries out orders of international organizations, such as UNICEF and the World Bank, oriented towards protecting children’s rights and their welfare and improving the qualification and productivity of the workforce, and cooperates with a large network of European and global partners on issues related to protection against discrimination and support for representatives of vulnerable groups, including for quality legal aid. Trust for civil society in CEE, America for Bulgaria Foundation and the network organizations of Open Society Foundation assign the management of grant programmes, analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of programmes providing funds, etc.

Open Society Institute-Sofia has highly qualified experts with extensive experience and narrow specialization in the priority fields for the organization, as well as knowledge and experience in managing grant and scholarship programmes, awarding procedures, etc. The Institute’s teams have proven capacity and technical expertise in programme cycle management, results and risk management, impact assessment and are highly motivated and committed to meeting the highest ethical standards.

OSI–Sofia has detailed knowledge of the legal framework applicable to the management of public funds and considerable practical experience in the field of public procurements as a service operator and provider.

The organization is certified to ISO 9001:2015.